OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 6. hétfő
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2023. április 26., szerda 09:15

ROVEMA invites confectionery and snack manufacturers to their Customized Experience in-house trade fair.
    Fernwald, Germany, 26 April, 2023 (APA/OTS) - Packaging machine specialist ROVEMA is organizing a multi-day customer event in May 2023, tailored to the requirements of the confectionery and snack industry. The event will be held at ROVEMA's headquarters in Fernwald, Hesse.

    Under the motto "It's about your products. Not ours", the packaging machine manufacturer ROVEMA invites representatives of the confectionery and snack industry to the Customized Experience at its headquarters in Fernwald, Hesse:
At the in-house trade show on May 3, 4, 10 and 11, everything will revolve around the packaging needs of the guests.
"We have a lot planned," says ROVEMA CSO Florian Lude. Partner companies such as WALKI, with topics such as 'user and environmentally friendly packaging concepts' will meet the best culinary delights and the ideal setting for personal consultations and constructive dialogue.

The event is part of the ROVEMA Customized Experience series of events launched in 2023, which focuses on customers and their needs.
The Customized Experience for the coffee industry kicked off in March:
"After a successful first Customized Experience with numerous international participants, we are now looking forward to the next one. We are excited to see what concerns and questions our guests come to us with this time," says CEO Christoph Gusenleitner.

Anyone interested can register to participate at rovema-experience.com.

With more than 60 years' experience, ROVEMA develops packaging systems that meet the complex demands of modern recycling management. ROVEMA thinks holistically and sustainably. As a result, the specific requirements of customers and their products are at the center of ROVEMA's development of efficient and future-proof packaging machines.
A successful concept - ROVEMA has already delivered more than 30,000 machines and systems worldwide.

Picture is available at AP Images (http://www.apimages.com)

Nadja Richter
Head of Marketing & Communication
Phone: +49 641 409 324
Mail: Nadja.Richter@rovema.de


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