OTS Üzleti Sajtószolgálat
2024. május 5. vasárnap
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2020. november 16., hétfő 14:40

Foundations: Turning G20 stimulus packages into game changers for climate and biodiversity
    Beijing/Berlin/Washington, 16 November, 2020 (APA/OTS) - New study stresses the pivotal role of 'Nature-based Solutions' in addressing the crisis of biodiversity loss, climate change and global pandemics

    In the run-up to the G20 summit in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, on November 21/22, a new report prepared by an expert from the World Resource Institute (WRI) and co-authors from other centres of expertise calls for Nature-based Solutions to play a pivotal role in responding to three of the highest risks to humankind: biodiversity loss, climate change and emergence of zoonotic diseases. The "Nexus Report: Nature Based Solutions to the Biodiversity and Climate Crisis" highlights in particular the need for significantly increased protection and restoration schemes with a focus on tropical forests and coastal ecosystems. It was jointly released today by three international foundations: the German-based global Foundations Platform F20, the Wyss Campaign for Nature in the U.S.A. and the Chinese Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology.

The foundations call on the G20 nations to integrate Nature Based Solutions as a core element into their economic stimulus packages as one of the most promising pathways to achieve one the key objectives set for the summit: Safeguarding the planet. "We expect the G20 to demonstrate the political leadership that is required now to turn Nature-based Solutions into an integrated multi-lateral response to the intertwined crisis of biodiversity loss, climate change and global pandemics", said Stefan Schurig, Secretary General F20, on behalf of the three foundations.

A recent report by Vivid Economics and the Finance for Biodiversity Initiative underlines the urgency and importance of addressing major shortcomings of the current economic stimulus packages launched by the G20 nations in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Press release in full length: https://www.foundations-20.org/#publications

Stefan Schurig
Secretary General

Brian O'Donnell


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